Ukraine and Red Cross
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Before getting on with our essay, let’s overview what’s happening in Ukraine and what the Red Cross and its affiliated societies are doing to support the Ukrainian people.
As the conflict in Ukraine drags on, an alarmingly high number of innocent civilians are being hurt or killed. The destruction extends to vital infrastructure components, such as hospitals and bridges. In the little more than three months that this conflict has occurred, there have been over 200 attacks on medical facilities. Over 12 million people have been uprooted due to the conflict in Ukraine; some of them have made it to Poland and other countries in the European Union, while others are looking for refuge in other parts of Ukraine.
National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are cooperating in Ukraine in a complementary manner to one another.
Now you have been assigned to write an essay on Ukraine and Red Cross. The important point to remember here is if you are provided with a pre-selected approach to writing this essay by your instructors. If not, then there are many approaches you can choose to base this essay upon, but one of the best approaches is to write it as an evaluation essay.
Why Write an Evaluation Essay about it?
An evaluation essay is a form of essay writing in which the author gives their viewpoint on the discussed topic. It is a piece of paper intended to provide a detailed evaluation of the merits of some topic. In addition to that, it provides a comprehensive analysis as well as a critical analysis of the subject matter.
Even though the author’s opinion is presented within this essay, it ought to be written in such a way as to avoid giving the impression that it is opinionated. Instead, it ought to provide supporting evidence for the author’s views that are presented in the essay.
When writing an evaluation essay, your work needs to be objective throughout, but once you have finished, you need to give a conclusion or evaluation argument about the topic. Your purpose should be to offer all of the facts you have gathered to show that you have analyzed the matter unbiasedly. In an evaluation essay, discuss the positives and negatives of the subject matter and study the article from a variety of potentially conflicting points of view. It should be optimistic while maintaining a critical and analytical tone, giving equal weight to both sides of the debate.
Hence, a sensitive topic like the War in Ukraine, its aftermaths, and the role of the Red Cross in assisting the Ukrainians in recovering from it should be discussed in an evaluation pattern where you can present your unbiased opinions and support them with relevant facts.
How do you structure an essay on Ukraine and Red Cross?
Before you begin, you need to make a decision on which of the following four structures you will use as the foundation for your essay:
The evaluation of both the past and the present can be accomplished using this sequential pattern. Utilizing this format allows for a clear and concise explanation and assessment of the efficacy of a mechanism, procedure, or process.
The spatial organization framework is used when critiquing or describing works of visual art or architecture. As you move further in your essay, you will define each artifact factor in turn as you move forward.
Compare & Contrast
When analyzing a musical or culinary style, a comparison and contrast framework is helpful. As a result, the author evaluates the subject at hand by contrasting it with a previously established subject and comparing the two.
It’s common practice to use the same point-by-point structure when writing food and music reviews. If you follow this method, you will begin by describing one aspect before rating it. After that, you will do the same for the following component before evaluating it.
Writing an Outline for Ukraine and Red Cross Essay
Now that you have chosen the format in which you will write it, you shall begin working on the outline of your essay. The structure determines the order in which your essay is presented; however, the outline will assist you in compiling a list of the subjects, claims, facts, citations, and other significant data that should be included.
The general structure of evaluation essays is comprised of three components, each of which is further subdivided into its components. These three basic components are an introduction, the body content, and a conclusion. For a much better understanding, their definitions and details are provided below:
Introduction to your Topic – Be sure to present the subject as a whole paragraph. It’s a good idea to begin by providing a general review of the subject matter, talking about its effect on individuals, and explaining that it’s necessary to do an evaluation. Specifying the criteria you want to employ to prove your argument is also important.
A Statement of the Thesis – Construct a thesis statement that encapsulates your overall evaluation and the arguments supporting that evaluation.
Body Composition
Reason Number One:
- Please illustrate a topic sentence and your evaluation of the first criterion. Use terms that serve as transitions to assist the reader in following your train of thought as you move from the thesis to the first reason.
- Include credible evidence in support of the first stated argument, such as quotations, instances, expert testimony, statistics, comparisons, and other similar types of proof.
- Take into account any issues stated, and then dispute them. A good argument needs the author to anticipate and respond to plausible counterarguments.
Reason Number Two:
- Please illustrate a topic sentence and your evaluation of the second criterion. Use terms that serve as transitions to assist the reader in following your train of thought as you move from the thesis to the second reason.
- Include credible evidence in support of the first stated argument, such as quotations, instances, expert testimony, statistics, comparisons, and other similar types of proof.
- Take into account any issues stated, and then dispute them. A good argument needs the author to anticipate and respond to plausible counterarguments.
Reason Number Three:
- Please illustrate a topic sentence and your evaluation of the third criterion. Use terms that serve as transitions to assist the reader in following your train of thought as you move from the thesis to the third reason.
- Include credible evidence in support of the first stated argument, such as quotations, instances, expert testimony, statistics, comparisons, and other similar types of proof.
- Take into account any issues stated, and then dispute them. A good argument needs the author to anticipate and respond to plausible counterarguments.
Your concluding sentence should be an expressive and potent farewell to your audience. You need strong communication skills to persuade others of your point of view, draw attention to your perspective, or establish yourself as a figure of authority. In the final paragraph of your evaluation essay, you should provide a conclusion that sums up and satisfies the reader. It needs to supply the reader with sufficient information to come to conclusions or motivate them to carry on with their investigation.
Ukraine and Red Cross Essay: Core Components for Evaluation
The three elements—criteria, judgments, and evidence—that make up the core of an evaluation essay distinguish it from other sorts of essays. Whether you are writing an essay based on an overall evaluation of the Ukraine war situation or evaluating a particular topic of interest, your review will be accurate and authentic if it contains all three components. This is true regardless of the subject matter being evaluated. The entirety of your evaluation is comprised of these aspects:
When evaluating a product, service, or brand, the criteria you establish should make it possible to identify the most outstanding representative of the category in question. This will help demonstrate what should be anticipated as a model for others to follow. Think about the example that best exemplifies a product or service of the same kind that comes to mind for you, and consider how ideal it is. Which of their characteristics do you think is the most admirable, and why? For instance, when you stay at a hotel, you anticipate having amazing service, great value for your money, wonderful rooms, and a clean environment. After establishing these standards, you may use them to make an informed judgment about any hotel.
You will examine the evidence to determine whether or not the standards have been met when you are in the judgment phase. To continue with our hotel example, you can judge whether or not the hotel satisfies the requirement of providing fantastic lodgings by checking out the rooms. Does the quality meet or exceed your expectations for anything of this kind? Or does it fall far below what was anticipated? After that, you are free to go on to the other requirements that need to be met.
Remember that you are obligated to provide evidence to back up your judgments, so keep that in mind. In our hotel, if you believe that the food quality does not meet your expectations, you should be prepared to provide evidence to back up the rationale that led you to come to this conclusion and support your position.
You must respond to a different criterion in each paragraph you write for your essay. This is done during the process of structuring the essay. You must thoroughly explain the benchmark, make relevant judgments, and give evidence to support your claims.
Steps to Follow When Writing an Evaluation Essay on Ukraine and Red Cross
We have supplied you with a concise summary of some of the most significant steps in producing a well-written essay in the hopes that this may be useful to you.
Picking a suitable Topic
When writing an essay, the first step is always selecting an appropriate topic to write about. If your professor does not assign you a topic, you are free to choose one that is related to something you are already familiar with. If this is not the case, your professor may provide you with a topic to write about to complete the assignment. It is best to choose something that you already have some background information on because you will need to look at the topic in great detail to create an opinion on its merit—because of this, choosing something that relates to your research is your best benefit.
Developing a Thesis Statement
Your explanation of the overall purpose of the evaluation can be found in this section, which makes it an essential component of your paper. The criteria used to analyze the topic should be expressed in the thesis statement, and an appraisal of the value of the topic should also be included. In the same way that the remainder of your essay needs to be clear and simple, so too must your thesis statement. As your essay takes form, you might need to make minor alterations as you go along.
Establishing the Evaluation Standards and Criteria
Choose a variety of criteria for evaluation to implement in your work to make it more interesting to read. Depending on what you are evaluating, you will come up with a unique set of criteria to use in your evaluation. A software product, for instance, would be judged following an entirely different set of standards than a clothing brand would be evaluated under.
Arguments in Favor of the Statement
It is of the utmost importance to remember that an evaluation essay is not only a statement of your viewpoint. To be successful, you need to investigate every decision you make and look for supporting clues from credible sources.
Prepare a Draft
Draft the first version of your essay, then go back and read it. At this moment, writing is the most fruitful course of action that can be taken to move things forward. When everything is put down on paper, it becomes much simpler to reorganize your thoughts and fortify areas of the plan that are weaker than others in the blueprint.
Review and Edit
After you have completed the first draft of your work, it is time to evaluate it, make changes to it, and then rewrite it. You must perform a thorough review of it, during which you should search for problems and correct them. If you want your essay to be flawless before you hand it in, you should get ready to revise it several times before you hand it in.
How to Have a Meaningful Conversation about a Tragic Loss
War, death, massacres, brutality overwhelm, and hatred for the terrible enemy, among other tragedies, cause feelings to become heated, which is why it is so essential to be sensitive. Life is taken away, and loved ones are lost. There are various ways to approach tragedy and sentiment, all of which are different depending on the essay’s objective.
The simplest solution is to stick to objective data to avoid dealing with the subjective experiences of people whose lives may have been impacted by these incidents. This will allow you to avoid dealing with the aftermath of these events. When writing about recent tragedies involving deaths and destruction, keeping an objective point of view can be difficult. This is very important to keep in mind when writing. On the other hand, as a researcher, you have to carry out these steps.
Useful Aspects to discuss in your Ukraine and Red Cross Essay
War and its aftermaths will always be a vast subject to discuss and evaluate but to help you kick-start your essay-writing process, have a look at some of the useful points you can discuss in your essay;
- What part does the International Committee of the Red Cross play in the war in Ukraine?
- How is the International Federation for the Red Cross (IFRC)’s donations used in This Response?
- What are some of the most significant challenges that people who have been relocated must face?
- What measures are being taken to protect displaced persons from becoming victims of human trafficking?
- How does the Ukrainian branch of the Red Cross support people who have been affected by sexual and gender-based violence?
We hope that this information will be helpful enough for you to write a detailed and meaningful essay on Ukraine and Red Cross. If you need further assistance, our expert essay writers at Essay Basics are always here to help you.