How Technology Has Changed Our Lives (Essay/Paper Sample)


There is no question that technology has changed human life with little to no effort, and is continuously changing our lives today. But are all of these changes good? Is technological advancement all positive benefits at no cost?

This essay takes a closer look at how technology has changed our lives in a balanced and objective manner.

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Modern Technology and Everyday Life

Technology has altered the way people experience the world and how they go about their lives. Personal computers, mobile phones, CCTV cameras, and GPS systems, among other forms of technology, have directly affected human life. The internet, in particular, has revolutionized human experiences.

This paper evaluates the benefits and challenges of technology on human life.

Code Projected Over Woman

When the internet came about some decades ago, different groups of people and organizations reacted differently to the concept. Some saw an opportunity to connect to a global village in terms of business and relationships. Other people were cautious at first, pointing to certain repercussions such as internet pornography and cybercrime. Today, technology has grown even more with new inventions in major sectors.

One of the most significant ways technology has elevated human life is enhanced communication. Individuals can send and receive messages anywhere and everywhere in real-time. Instead of picking up a phone to call someone or spending time and money to meet somewhere physically far, smartphones have made it possible for people to hold virtual chats.

Social media has made communication more convenient and efficient. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and many other such sites enable people to instantly share information, including news and pictures. An event occurring in a remote part of Thailand or on a mountain in Switzerland can be streamed live.

Person Holding Iphone Showing Social Networks Folder

Businesses have benefited immensely from the World Wide Web as well. Many firms have cut costs and experienced steady growth in profits because less manual labor is needed to accomplish tasks, with robots and machines taking over operations. Employees can work from home, allowing them more freedom and flexibility. Video conferencing, for instance, has made it possible for people to reduce time and travel costs. Meetings involving participants across various parts of the world can be held online. Online banking has made it easier for people to make financial transactions from the safety of their homes, and to pay for goods and services at physical and online stores without necessarily carrying cash.

The World Wide Web has also changed the dynamics of dating. A man in London can date ten girls from ten different countries, and set up an online meeting with each of them at different times of the day. It could lead to a marriage or a string of casual arrangements.

The local libraries have also become emptier due to the advent of e-books. Students can access resources from around the globe to further their education. At the same time, our experience of entertainment has been elevated. Mobile entertainment is now possible as television and radio are integrated into smartphones, tablets, and even on laptops. GPS services have made driving easier and CCTV cameras have made home safety more achievable. Also, newer technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3D printing have added to human independence.

On the downside, technology is eroding the collective morals of society. So many pedophiles and sociopaths from all over the world have gotten involved in Internet pornography. With these restricted sites being easily accessible, marriages are crumbling. Human trafficking, prostitution, drug trafficking, and other social evils have likewise been facilitated by technological devices.

Finally, terrorist groups have turned to the internet to spread their message of hatred and violence. They have shifted the marketing strategy into digital recruitment, so they are amassing followers from around the globe through websites and social media. We also have the advent of cybercrime. Online bank accounts are now more vulnerable than before, and billions of dollars are lost annually.

Cybercrime also perpetuates racism and hatred as hackers spread negative social, political, and religious messages to their targets. Furthermore, artificial human intelligence poses a threat to the human race. It is argued that robots will, at one point, completely phase out the role of human beings in some sectors. The possibility of cloning and gene editing has also been the subject of many-a-hot-debate.


When it comes to technology, there are both benefits and costs. But overall, it is more beneficial than destructive. As long as governments and other regulatory bodies play their roles in ensuring that security is not compromised and that people’s freedoms are not trampled on, technology will continue to benefit humankind.

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives For The Worst

It is easy to praise information technology for the many ways it has helped society today. With the way that it has eased the burden on communicating and many other daily functions, it is safe to say that these technological advancements have many positive effects that make lives easier.

However, as with any innovation, new ideas and advances come at a price. The negative impact of technology can also be felt in different areas of society today. While the Internet’s very high speeds have allowed us to access information faster, it has also led to its excessive use, creating an army of users who spend hours online being unproductive.

Various unethical practices have also emerged from new technology. Pornography and child trafficking have become common ailments plaguing the population, with most transactions happening online. Cybercrime has become rampant, leaving many naive and unsuspecting users with hacked bank accounts or social media accounts. Creative copywriting has also become a hot topic, with plenty of graphics being digitally manipulated and passed off as someone else’s work.

I hope that more government authorities and regulatory bodies will have better oversight over these technological advancements.


What Are Pros Of Technology?

Life with technology comes with many perks. The biggest ones are speed and convenience. In an increasingly busy world where everything demands your time, any innovation that can cut down your use of precious time and energy is a welcome addition to your lifestyle. Certain technologies also elevate your way of working. What would have once taken you hours to jot down on a pen and paper now takes half an hour to complete on a laptop. Different software apps also enable you to do tasks that you may not necessarily be skilled at doing, such as graphic design. It is also easier to run errands and complete transactions in a secure and convenient way.

What Are Cons Of Technology?

Many of the downsides in these welcome advancements are attributed to the degrading of society’s moral compass. With the Internet comes the possibility of identity theft, where someone could easily take your name and photo and pretend to be you. There is also creative theft, where your digital work could be manipulated with minor tweaks and be sold as someone else’s work. At the extreme end of the spectrum are heavy cyber crimes such as cyber terrorism and child trafficking.  These have all found their own spots on the World Wide Web and have attracted their own audiences, which are massive. They have found creative ways to hibernate online so that they are not tracked and caught. There’s plenty of illegal activity happening online.

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