The Blessings Of Ramadan (Essay Sample) 2023

The Blessings of Ramadan

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The month of Ramadan is revered by Muslims across the World. Millions of faithful congregate in Mosques during the month and they pray, worship, generously share their food, drinks and other earthly possessions with other people, regardless of their status in society. Ramadan is thus a special month in the Islamic religion. This paper outlines the various aspects that make Ramadan to be considered a month of blessings. The Islam religion is founded on five pillars: faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Each of the pillars has a special meaning in the well-being of Muslims, and it is required that before death, one has to undergo or observe all the five pillars in their lifetime. While most of the pillars endeavor to encourage Muslims to live well and in consideration of other people in the society, one of the pillars touches on the spiritual sanctity and well-being of an individual: fasting. Ramadan is one of the foundations of fasting. During Ramadan, believers forego eating and worship Allah with the belief that fasting keeps the body pure and brings one closer to Allah. It is believed that when the month of Ramadan begins, the gates of Hell are closed and those of Paradise are opened. Fasting thus limits Satan’s influence on a believer and enhances one’s spiritual power. When one carries on with fasting long after the month has ended, they are able to repulse the devil completely and take possession of their spiritual future. Satan finds it harder to mislead believers. Ramadan is thus a month that empowers one spiritually and in so doing, brings him or her closer to Allah. Furthermore fasting with full faith, and with the hope of getting rewards from Allah, results in forgiveness of sins. The forgiveness of sins is a fundamental aspect of the Islamic faith as one can only become closer to Allah if his or her sins have been forgiven and lives according to the dictates of Allah. Furthermore, during the month of Ramadan, the prayers and supplications of a believer are heard and answered as Ramadan occurs during the so-called “Night of Decree.” The Night of Decree is special as the worship of one night by far exceeds the worship of a thousand months. Whoever worships and prays during such a night receives immeasurable rewards and above all, receives sanctity. This makes Ramadan a very special month within which spiritual and physical blessings are brought upon believers. One should strive to uphold holiness, refrain from engaging in sexual activities, anger, fights, and other similar aspects that can ruin spiritual wellbeing. The last ten nights of the Ramadan month are particularly of blessings as they mark the most difficult time when one is exhausted hence sustained fasting keeps one more blessed. It is believed that the Quran was revealed to mankind during the month of Ramadan. As the Quran is the principal guidance and reference book in the Islamic faith, one is expected to recite the Quran and meditate upon the words written therein. It is, therefore, the month where believers receive guidance from Allah and proof of the existence of Allah. Moreover, at the end of each day of fasting, believers gather and eat together. This brings them together, strengthens their faith and families receive faith. It is also the month in which every person, regardless of their faith gathers and shares whatever is available. As blessings come from generosity, the month of Ramadan can be considered a blessed month. In conclusion, Ramadan is a month of blessings. As one of the key pillars of Islam, fasting (Ramadan) has a special place in the spiritual life of believers. Satanic influence on believers is weakened and the gates of Paradise and blessings are opened. The various aspects that make Ramadan a month of blessings are widely discussed in this paper.
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