Success And Happiness (Essay Sample)


Is it at all possible to achieve happiness and success in life? Can we get the best of both worlds, or are we destined to only experience either one of these things? Can you be happy and unsuccessful, or successful and unhappy?

Read these sample papers and think with us. What would people’s lives look like if their pursuit of happiness and success in life proves triumphant? If you want to write those thoughts down too, get in touch with us so we can match you with a writer who can help you out with that essay.

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Which Can Create Happiness?

Joyfulness is perceived to be the key to success. Several research studies confirm that cheerful people are likely to challenge themselves more. At the same time, these people develop the positive emotions and drive needed to succeed.

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Happiness: More Than a Positive Attitude

While the concepts of happiness and success seem to be related, they are completely different. Joyfulness represents how we feel. One does not need to be successful to be happy because he can still be happy without his accomplishments and without comparison to others. Success is the way we benchmark ourselves against other people and our own standards.

To feel happy comes from personal accomplishments. It is just not a feel-good luxury. This emotion is essential to our overall well-being. Happiness is something that anyone can experience at any point in life. An entire population group could generally be labeled as happy when citizens practice a democratic attitude and are keen on helping others.  

Joyfulness is not just about setting goals and achieving them; it is, first and foremost, cultivating a perspective that causes us to be content and appreciative of things that help us achieve our purpose in life. We can create joy in all circumstances. We have read stories of people who undergo hardship but still find joy. Similarly, we know of people who seem to have successful careers and families, yet are not happy.

True Happiness Paves the Way to Success

The truth is that victory does not necessarily result in joy, but joy can lead you to victory.

Think about people who are successful. These are people with positive attitudes and are contented with and passionate about their personal goals. One of the common assumptions people make is that accomplishments will give you all the joy you need.  When your achievement is associated with your core values, this then defines your purpose. You then learn to embrace each moment of the journey, and as you cultivate that happiness, it will put you on the path to success.

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The secret of being happy is to find joy in the simple things in life that give us satisfaction. Joyfulness helps us cultivate behavior that reinforces success-friendly perspectives. If I feel grateful about my health or my family, it makes a difference in my life because the emotion gives me the drive to do everything I can to be successful for their sake.

It is clear that both happiness and success go hand in hand, but it does not necessarily mean that the two concepts are each others’ equivalent. You might not like something you do, but you can still be happy and feel content by the fact that you have a great family to go home to every evening.

On the other hand, one might have a successful career that gives him a lot of income and respect among his peers, but the same person might not have anything to look forward to outside work. This does not mean that you are not successful, but it certainly does not equate to happiness. When a sense of joy is missing in our lives, everything tends to lose its meaning.

Having everything we need also does not guarantee us true happiness. Ultimately, it’s the way we view life that determines our joy. Learning to find what makes us happy motivates us to undertake new challenges and pursue victory. When people are optimistic and grateful, they proactively and passionately move towards their life goals.


Different people value and define both of these terms differently. But personally, I believe that happiness plays an important role in our pursuit of success. Both are important, but cultivating joy is the starting point.

I don’t know your personal life, but I do hope you find whatever it is that elevates your happiness levels. Joyful people tend to thrive better in their relationships, career, and family life. They also attract success like a moth drawn to a flame.

If you are wondering how to achieve success at a young age, know that all roads begin with an optimistic outlook. Believe that you can get to where you want to be and that you have the resources you need.

Happiness Vs Success Essay

We often interchange the terms “happiness” and “success” in our conversations, believing them both to refer to the same experience. While there are indeed a lot of happy people who accomplish a lot of things, achieving goals does not always equate to feeling happy.

The most obvious narrative to break here is this: that you need to be successful to be truly happy in life. However, a game-changing reflection for this storyline is that happiness lies not in the things you do, but the way you see things. We often change our behaviors in an attempt to get a different result.

But what if the key is really our perspective? What would our life look like if we just switched lenses? If we always look at things from a place of feeling defeated, it will come as no surprise that we will see everything as inadequate or falling short of the perfect standards. But if we aim to come from a place of gratitude, then we will learn to focus on the lesson behind every experience, put the past behind us, and integrate the principles as we move forward.

What lenses are you viewing reality from?


Does Success Lead To Happiness?

It’s important to back up first and examine our understanding of being accomplished. What is it to begin with? If success is a place of thriving in our passion, purpose, and calling, then yes, it can lead to joyfulness. It must be said, however, that there is no such thing as 24/7 joyfulness. No person can feel happy at all times. But if he or she is coming from a place of contentment, then he or she can fight for joy no matter the season.

What Is More Important Success Or Happiness?

The world sells us the idea that to feel successful is true power that one must aspire to attain. However,  many of us have seen, with our own eyes, people who seem to have it all and yet don’t appear to be joyful. Despite all the accolades they’ve received and the accomplishments they have under their belt, it never seems to be enough. They always seem to be in a constant race against time and themselves. They try to outdo themselves every day and when things don’t happen as planned, they crumble. Their life becomes a vicious cycle of climbing a ladder and never really finding the top. If your idea of accomplishment is robbing you of joy, then it is not true success to begin with. We need to evaluate what we have labeled as “extremely important” in this life and see if they line up with the true definition of joy.

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