Moral Lesson Of the Count Of Monte Cristo (Essay Sample)

Perhaps, the Count of Monte Cristo is one of the most well-known novels (and film) in both the Western and some Eastern parts of the globe. The simple but captivating plot of the story shows how Edmond Dantè who has been overwhelmed with difficulties in life, has escaped and become the wealthiest man in Monte Cristo. And, just like any stories presented out there, The Count of Monte Cristo presents itself with a multitude of moral lessons for its readers. One example of these takeaways is that “education is in itself, gold”. Throughout the whole story, this lesson is greatly emphasized starting from how he worked hard and educated himself, which then led to his rise to power, until the end where he elicited empathy towards his enemies rather than letting his rage and anger overpower him. According to most of the reader’s, Dantè’s ability to think clearly and not let his vices overpower his virtues is because of his education.

Another moral takeaway from the story is related to how Dantè rise to power despite going through a very difficult time in his life and simply just waiting to die. This lesson is to “never give up”. As stated in the story, Dantè was simply waiting to die in the prison after he has been betrayed by Fernando who has not only conspired to send him in prison but also took away his wife. Amidst all the burden that he had, Dantè picked himself up and promised that he would do all that he could in order to fight the system which brings injustice and oppression to the poor, all the same time while he is plotting his revenge against his enemies.

Another moral lesson could be taken as readers read through the lines. This takeaway relates to how Dantè lost his faith in God amidst all the hardships and suffering that he is going through. Simply put, this moral takeaway implies that no matter what happens, even if the world seems unfair and unforgiving, never ever doubt God’s love and plans for us. In line with the story, most readers would argue that God’s plan for Dantè was not to die in that prison, but to have a better life dedicated to others as he meets the priest who was also imprisoned in that jail.

The priest would then prove as a key person for Dantè’s ‘rebirth’ as he teaches him almost everything ranging from mathematics, economics, literature, art, combat, and even military strategy. This, in my opinion, reiterates how God comes to our aid in times of need and puts in action his plans for each and every one of us.

Lastly, one of the most prominent moral lesson presented in the story is that “what goes around, comes around”. This refers to how our actions affects us in ways we cannot foresee. In the story, those people who has done Dantè wrong has seen how their own evil actions has returned to haunt them. Although Dantè would prove to be more empathetic in the end, his main plot of revenge has taken its toll for some of his enemies.

One of the reasons why The Count of Monte Cristo became a well-known classic is its unique plot coupled with moral takeaways for its readers. While some of these moral lessons are more explicit and easy to find, others need a higher degree of reading between the lines before they discover what it means. Nevertheless, The Count of Monte Cristo is indeed a literary masterpiece, and until today countless remakes are still being done in order to continually instill these moral values to the current generations who could read Dantè’s story.

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