Education Is The Movement From Darkness To Light
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Education Is The Movement From Darkness To Light
Schooling is an extensive way of learning whereby understandings and ability of students are passed on from one initiation to the next one by guidance, and examinations process. It plays a significant role in shaping leaders of tomorrow not only in being productive members in the society but also to increase knowledge that can actively be used to face the challenges that the society encounter and to be able to change that position in order to attain economic objectives and business transformation. In this essay, we discuss the analysis as to why education is the movement from darkness to light.
Our world is persistently changing and it requires a community that is experienced in understanding the curbed problems derived from the cultural difference. For us to change the world we need to be persistent in acquiring knowledge through education, in addition we should strive to become the voice of the people and be involved to making a difference in the society. We could constantly debate whether we have to attend school but for the sake of the future it is worth it. Without much education one would be forced to work 50 hours on a weekly basis while the person who got a better education earns a good salary by just working half the time.
Education is a prime role in life that shapes a person to be who they are. It is through education that one is able to revive the confidence that has drastically dwindled within or be able to have a tremendous change in the livelihood of youthful individuals. Education shows people surrounding you and your occupation thus leading to an individual to like or dislikes and the better options that one has are the more likely they are to meet the right person in their life. Education being the seed of life has the opportunity to take life to its maximal and even be able to go further than beyond.
Making an effort to learning things is like a bulb, whereby once turned on you will be able to view the world in a different way. This is because education makes you be aware of the world you are living and in addition, learning can be done anywhere. The battle between having a diploma or less educated is a match that everyone knows who is in a better position to win. However, with a diploma or degree in any course at hand, getting employed would be a lot easy, your job would be a lot more enjoying because of doing what you love the most.
Unfortunately, today several countries have the tendency of investing the major part of the budgets on their armies by purchasing more weapons forgetting that the missiles of education is more powerful than these weapons of war thus spending a small amount of money on education. Globally there are regions with no available schools or teachers but looking at the future, only countries that have high literacy rate would be successful. The main reason why we import computers and other technologies it’s because we don’t have experts in that field but if we give education to the new generation, then we will have experts in that field and we won’t have to import things from other countries.
From the above illustrations, there is no doubt whatsoever, that through education things get unfolded thus giving a promising future. In order to change the world we need to make education a priority and acquire more knowledge not forgetting to induce practice for better results.