Refer Friends & Make $Money (↑20%)!
Register; get your CODE ID (link):
20% from every order you refer - will go to you, lifetime!
Refer Customers using your link (url):
20% from first-time orders
20% from all returning orders
Our Process:
- 1Register, Validate and get EasyLink URL
- 2Refer Customers with your EasyLink address
- 3Accumulate and Withdraw money to PayPal

Easy $ Earning Process:
After an easy registration and verification – you will be assigned with a unique ID code and a link (ex:
Send that link to your friends and recommend them to use EssayBasics as their academic homework writing service! You will get 20% from all transactions those visitors who land on through your link to make an order. Your clients will get 15% off on their first time order because they have used your EasyLink!
Accumulate earnings and withdraw to PayPal. You can expect 20% of earning from new clients and 80% from returning clients.
Great Advantages!
- Our average quality is at “A-“
- You get 20% from every transaction, LIFETIME GUARANTEE!!!
- Requested money is processed twice per month (on the 1st and on the 15th of every month).
- We deliver paper of any complexity, with any urgency!
- We have over 250 full time, professional academic writers! We can handle any work load!
- Currently, for Nov 2017 our top affiliate writer got paid $11700 USD (per that one month alone!).
- We offer full statistics and reports!
About Us. Our Statistics.
Payment method.
- 10+ real years in academic writing business
- 250+ full time writers in all academic disciplines
- “A-“ is our average grade
- Over 50% Retention Rate
- By-Monthly Payment via PayPal
- 24/7 Customer Support and Operations
- Honest, Reliable and USA/Canada Registered Company
We offer tools, trainings and support to help you make a lot!