How To BS An Essay

How to Bullshit an Essay

When it comes to college and high school life, there are many distractors in a student’s life that may be deemed as time wastage and totally unnecessary. These could be college parties, festivals, and outings such as road trips. Some of these activities may consume so much time that could have been covered working on assignments and essays. In as much as some of these activities can be done on moderation or completely avoided, some students completely disregard this and opt to stay up till late partying and drinking or even spend the weekend touring new places, forgetting about that five-page essay that is due on Monday morning. A well-written essay calls for uttermost dedication in order to come up with original and worthy content that will secure you the best grades. Students who burn the midnight oil working on their essays ultimately secure the best grades. There are survival tactics that these students that disregard essay writing may employ in order to at least come up with something within the least time possible. These tactics, however, are not in line with the recommended guidelines to writing perfect essays. Instead, they lead to a bullshit essay. I will outline five tips on how to BS an essay. BS being the short form for bullshit.

Copy and paste content from online sources without paraphrasing, referencing, or citation

Owing to the fact that there is no time left to diligently complete your essay, one can opt to indiscriminately copy and paste online content that is relevant to the topic they are writing on. Do not even bother to paraphrase since it will consume much of your time that could have been used to cover other parts of the essay. Furthermore, do not bother to add any referencing and citations since they will equally consume plenty of your time.

An essay written in such a manner will easily be considered as a bullshit essay that was merely done for the sake of submitting a complete paper. This will lead to the highest standards of a plagiarized paper that will not be worth grading by your instructor.

Make up fake quotations and citations for the sake of it

Citations are very important when writing your essay. Since some instructors seriously look up for these, you may decide to completely fake up citations from non-existence sources for the sake of it. In as much as you know that none of the quotations or citations exist, you can merely use them to fill up word count and display “some” sense of “seriousness” to whoever will be checking and grading your essay. Such an approach will lead to a complete essay ready for submission, but one that is outright bullshit.

Use Wikipedia as a point of reference

The use of Wikipedia as a source in essay writing is completely unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Since some of the information on Wikipedia could be easily related to what you are writing about, you can choose to simply use it in your essay and fill up the word count. Wikipedia is an unreliable source of information for academic papers and students are usually refrained from using this source as a reference point. Wikipedia contains personal ideas of individuals. These ideas could not be holding any relevance or supportive evidence and should therefore be avoided at all costs in any academic papers. However, since one will be in a hurry to complete their essay, they can opt to use it to fill up word count and hence complete the paper. An essay with Wikipedia as a referencing source is a bullshit essay.

Do not be creative or original in what you are writing

Since you are in a hurry to come up with an essay on the eleventh hour, creativity should be the least of your concerns.  Taking time to brainstorm for creativity will result in wastage of ample time that would have been used to fill up your essay. You can opt to find relevant information on the web, which you can quote and paraphrase in a manner that will not show outright copying of another person’s ideas and content.

Use a larger font size for your essay

The use of a large font size, say size fourteen, is a tactical way of making your essay look long. The objective of BSing an essay is usually to come up with something that can be submitted. The length of your essay is a key factor to consider before submitting your essay. Therefore, using a fourteen size font that is double-spaced makes the essay look longer and as per the recommended length.

These tips may be useful for that student who may not be having sufficient time to complete an essay within the stipulated time. College and high school life is a time in a student’s life when they get to learn and explore new surroundings and make new friends. It is expected that they may frequently engage in activities that may waste time needed to write assignments. When such is the case, it is advised to bullshit your essay as a tactic for survival.

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