List Of Possible Questions On “The Great Gatsby” Essay

How does F. Scott Fitzgerald illustrate the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby” through symbolism?

Fitzgerald utilizes an assortment of literary gadgets to depict the American Dream. One illustration is the green light that symbolizes Gatsby’s desires and dreams for existence with Daisy. Another image is the Valley of the Ashes, which speaks to the dreadful outcomes of America’s fixation on riches. Fitzgerald utilizes these images to pass on the deceptive way of the American Dream.

Identify three situations in The Great Gatsby that depict how characters experience their dream?

In the novel, the characters have diverse methods for communicating and experienced their dream lives. Gatsby, for instance, is mainly worried about winning back Daisy, his lost love. He trusts that the best way to accomplish this is to wind up as rich and fruitful as possible. In Gatsby’s situations, he throws extravagant parties every week in the trust of getting her. Interestingly, for Myrtle, the dream is to escape Wilson’s garage and to live like a well-off socialite in New York. For Myrtle, this dream is just conceivable through being Tom’s escort. However, her passing brings her dream to an end. As for Nick, the dream is building a life in New York as a bondsman. He quickly understands that life in the city is shallow and materialistic. After Gatsby’s death, Nick chooses to leave New York since he understands, through Gatsby’s encounters that dreams often comes with a cost.

Why does Nick tell Gatsby’s story?

Nick is the best possible option of being the storyteller as he is an outsider. Nick is not from either West or East Egg but born and raised in Midwest. Moreover, Nick is neither as rich nor does he have the status that is similar to Gatsby’s. The former is the storyteller of Gatsby’s story since he is a non-judgmental individual. Additionally, since he has no past knowledge of Gatsby, Nick can describe the story in a lesser chronological manner than one would expect from the individuals who have been acquainted to him.

What was the author’s primary reason for writing The Great Gatsby?

The boundless idea that anyone residing in American can accomplish success, happiness, and satisfaction, through working as hard as could be expected under the circumstances, is what is referred to as ‘The American Dream.’ Fitzgerald deconstructs this thought by demonstrating that, however much Gatsby works hard and obtains an immeasurable store of wealth, he doesn’t ever accomplish genuine happiness or satisfaction. For Gatsby, absolute joy includes having the enduring affection from Daisy.

Clarify how The Great Gatsby is a case of the Modernist novel

Although the Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald was published in 1925, it is a Modernist novel because it looks for prominence despite the interruption of normal values in the period following the first Word War. Gatsby negates numerous traditional qualities, including the value that is important, and which is both deconstructed and addressed is the notion and ideals of the American Dream.

How do East and West American qualities vary in The Great Gatsby?

The West symbolizes the following qualities: polite, family centered, hard work, considerate and the general social conservativeness. Nick depicts how he was raised to be thankful, reasonable, legit, and general, his considerations and activities add up to those ethics.

On the other hand, The East, as according to the novel, is a location of opportunity, but also the place where corruption is rampant. Here, the writer sets criminality, shown by Gatsby and Wolfsheim, disloyalty, evidenced by Tom, Daisy, Gatsby, and Myrtle, dishonesty, shown through Jordan, and total disregard of the social control in the parties.

Is irony used as comedy in The Great Gatsby?

The image created of Myrtle swelling like a balloon in an always contracting room, spinning round and round noisily, as she tries to impress everybody around her, is indeed humorous, and it is ironic since she behaves entirely different from what we would expect of a lady in her position.

How does irony add meaning to the general story of The Great Gatsby?

The writer gives the reader numerous cases of irony that demonstrate the corruption in the society. Ironically, George addresses a billboard as a god. Through this scene, Fitzgerald is trying to show the reader that consumerism has turned into the American god. Numerous different illustrations demonstrate how stagnant, self-absorbed and empty the high society turned out to be.

What is the criticalness of Gatsby’s fixation to Daisy?

He is “obsessed” with her since she is the one thing he can’t have. At different instances, while reading the novel, one may wonder if Gatsby adores Daisy or that having her would be the ultimate class marker. Maybe he believes that he can prove to himself that he has, at long last, joined the class of individuals that once avoided him.

Why does Nick get suspicious of Gatsby’s life story?

The Narrator starts to doubt the truthfulness of Gatsby, after getting to meets the latter’s friends. Nick feels that their characters and mannerisms are questionable, and that makes him question Gatsby.

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