How to Format an Essay: Guidelines for Writing Effectively
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Developing proficient writing skills in the form of essays should be a focus for all students throughout their academic careers. However, this involves more than arranging the thoughts in chronological sequence. The Modern Language Association (MLA), the American Psychological Association (APA), and the Chicago Manual of Style are three common essay formats. They are all required to be used when submitting your essay to different organizations, each of which has its requirements on the format that must be used. The MLA format, the APA format, and the Chicago format are going to be analyzed and contrasted in this blog. These can be used for the essays you write for high school and college, and the structure they provide is often regarded as the industry standard for college essays.
How do you define “Essay Format”?
The correct essay format specifies the parameters within which the essay’s structure and organization will be determined. We will use these criteria to develop an outline, which will serve as the initial draft of your essay. To make the essay more user-friendly, the standard format employs a linear manner in which each notion is given in turn. Mastering the skill of effective essay structure will see you through more than half the effort.
The organization of the essay will decide the content that will be provided to the reader as well as how it will be delivered. Because there are standardized formats for the many types of essays, your professor will choose the format you must utilize for the required essay.
Essay Formatting: The Rules of Thumb
An essay needs the standard components—introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion—to be presented correctly. These common components are the most important part of essay writing basics. In addition, a title page, a works cited page, proper capitalization throughout the text, and in-text citations formatted according to MLA or APA standards are required.
The guidelines for a conventional essay format have been outlined here, and you should follow them.
- The page margins of one inch on both sides.
- Line spacing; can be single-spaced or double-spaced.
- A particular typeface and point size, such as New Times Roman 12 point.
- Page headers often include the author’s surname, the page numbers, and the essay’s title.
- The heading, as well as the subheading.
- Half an inch is the correct depth for the indentation.
Essay Format in the MLA Style
- Use double spacing instead of just one.
- Make use of a Times New Roman font size of 12 points.
- Your high school or college name should be in the center and top.
- Place the title of your essay front and center. After that, there will be a subtitle.
- Include the following information in your submission: the date, your name, the name of the course, and the number.
The Format for an APA Essay
- Header: TITLE 1 Running head, written all in Uppercase.
- All of the margins on the page should be 1 inch.
- Font style: Times New Roman, point size: 12.
- The Essay’s Title.
- Your name.
- Name of your Institute.
Do you have more questions about how to write an essay in APA format? Let us help you.
Chicago Essay Format
- Your research essay’s title should be centered on the page.
- Put your name in the center of the page, immediately under the title.
- On three separate lines, you should write the name of the instructor, the name of the class, and the date.
- Make use of the Times or Times New Roman typeface at 12-point size.
- There should not be a page number there.
Comparing the MLA Format and the APA Format
Before moving on to the framework of an APA essay, we need to distinguish between the two alternative formats for presenting the information. To begin, let’s take a look at how they are comparable. :
- Comparable elements of the format include the space between lines, the citation, and the indentation.
- Works Cited (or Reference Page in APA) is where you list all the sources you cited in your essay.
- Both styles utilize in-text parenthetical citations within the primary body of the work, often to display a particular quote or computation.
- The citations are arranged alphabetically on the page, including a listing of the cited books and references.
Here is a list of the most important things to think about when deciding between the different formats:
- The MLA format is more widespread in the humanities, whereas the APA format is more prominent in the social sciences. In MLA format, the list of sources is referred to as the works cited, while in APA format, it is called the references.
- The Modern Language Association and the American Psychological Association have different conventions for shortening the author’s last name when citing a work (MLA: Yorke, Thom; APA: Yorke T.).
- The page number should be placed at the very end of the sentence when utilizing an in-text reference. Take, for instance, “Yorke’s argument, which states that “Creep” is Radiohead’s least impressive song (4). ” However, a year must be provided in citations in the style of the American Psychological Association (APA), as in “According to Yorke (2013), Creep was a shambles.”
Formatting an Essay’s First Page
When formatting the opening page of your essay, keep the following suggestions in mind:
- Include a header to add your last name and the page number. Leave a space of half an inch between the top of the page and the title, which should be placed in the upper right corner of the page. This is true for each essay page, except for the page containing the works referenced section.
- Include your name, the name of the course, the instructor’s name, and the date in the top left corner.
- In the middle, you should write the title.
- Double-space your paragraphs and get started composing the essay.
Essay Outline Format
The standard format for an essay is five paragraphs, with an introduction, main body, and conclusion at the end. In this instance, the body comprises three paragraphs containing the primary argument, ideas, and evidence to support them.
When you’ve got the knack for making these kinds of essays, it’ll be much easier for you to write longer, more involved essays. The following outline is an example of a five-paragraph essay:
- The first part of your introduction should consist of a brief overview of your topic and any necessary context.
- Make the connection to the thesis by using a sentence that links the two together.
- Your thesis statement should summarize the essay and the primary point you intend to argue.
- Maintain the font size and style as Times New Roman, size 12.
Body Paragraphs
You should focus on and discuss a different idea in each body paragraph. To make your argument more logical, begin with a topic phrase and present supporting facts and proof. In addition, the initial line of each paragraph that makes up the body should be indented.
In this part of the essay, you will repeat the thesis statement and provide a summary of the entire essay. You should refrain from introducing new ideas at this point in the essay. Instead, you should encourage thought or action on the reader’s part.
On each page, you should include the header and page numbers.
How Should an Essay Be Cited?
When you use another person’s words in your essay, you must include citations from various sources. It could be a literal quote, a paraphrase, or a summary of the material. You must provide credit to the sources you used to avoid being accused of plagiarism and demonstrate to the reader that what you say is genuine.
There are a variety of citation formats and guidelines to follow. Make sure you choose the option given to you by your instructor.
This section will cover in-text citations using the APA and MLA format. In-text citations require that the sources be referenced within the individual body paragraphs of the essay. Let’s check out the procedure:
APA Format
- The author’s or publisher’s last name, followed by the current date and paragraph number.
- Include the date, the page number, and the author or publisher of the work.
- After writing the author’s name and the date, be sure to include a comma.
Take, for instance:
Taylor (2018), page 5, says that Darwin’s evolutionary theory is wrong and inconsistent.
MLA Format
- Mention the author’s surname in your response.
- The number of the page that it is on comes next.
Take, for instance:
Taylor, on page 5, writes that Darwin’s evolutionary theory is wrong and inconsistent.
The format in the Chicago Style
- Mention the author’s initial name, then go to their last name in the citation.
- After that, you should mention the name of the essay.
Take, for instance:
The Meaning of Relativity, written by Albert Einstein (p. 44–45).
If you want to learn more about how to write an essay in MLA format, look at our comprehensive guide available in our Blogs that will assist you in better understanding the principles involved.
Formatting Your Works Cited Page
The works referenced should go on the very last page of your essay once you’ve finished writing it. This section will list all the sources used to produce the essay.
- Prepare an alphabetical list of the references.
- The entire list should be double-spaced.
- Use hanging indention.
How to Determine an Appropriate Essay Format?
What steps should you take if your instructor still needs to specify the structure they want you to follow for the essay they have assigned you? Asking your professor about the type of essay format most preferred by them is the simplest answer to this problem that you can implement. The MLA style is recommended if you are unable to contact the instructor or if they do not provide a preference. Students not basing their essays on their studies are more likely to write essays in this format than any other. Its requirements for formatting are sufficiently general that a teacher of any topic should be fine with an essay written in MLA format. Using this format has several benefits, one of which is that it provides users with one of the easiest sets of criteria to follow when acknowledging their sources.
Read up on our guide to understand What is MLA format for an essay.
A Guide to Writing a College Essay
Having learned how to format a college essay, let’s look at some helpful hints to keep in mind while you put pen to essay.
Whether you’re writing an admissions essay, a research essay, an informative essay, or anything else, there are a few tactics you can use and some basic guidelines to keep your writing on track and keep moving forward. You should follow the conventional format for an essay, which may be found in the following paragraphs. For your convenience, the following summary has been divided into the following sections:
Choose a Subject That Interests You.
It can be difficult for many students to think of fascinating topics for their essays. If you’re worried about the time given, pick a narrow topic that you can delve into extensively without going over the word count. If you choose an appropriate subject, this should be easy. Nevertheless, it should be more specific that you will only be able to cover some of the ground in the study for a single piece. Focusing too closely can leave you feeling hollow, while spreading your attention too thin can overwhelm you. If you cannot proceed with an essay, seek assistance from your instructor.
Begin your Research as soon as possible.
Before you write anything down, ensure a solid understanding of the resources you’ll be using. Acquire as much intriguing knowledge, counterarguments, and trivia as you can get your hands on. What can be discovered through research has an infinite number of potential applications.
Choose Inciting and Specific Content
Once you’ve gotten used to discussing the topic, you should have a simple conversation. Choose your bookmarks, sites you have bookmarked, or other helpful resources, and start data mining. Citations towards the end of your essay will demand as much information as possible. Your references should consist of books, websites, and articles, all of which should be stored. Investigate the procedures you use for research to determine whether or not there is room for improvement.
Have an Outline Ready to Go
This may be the most important step in the process. It is good to have a thorough outline prepared for your essay before you start writing it. This will assist you in avoiding becoming stuck in the middle of your essay. Because you have created direct ties as a result of your preliminary study, the work will proceed very swiftly. Assuming it’s useful, creating a keyword list will significantly expand the dataset. It is possible to identify each segment’s direction more clearly and the prospective information criteria by using keywords specific to the topic.
Get things rolling with a draft.
Before beginning work on the essay’s body, ensure the outline contains sufficient evidence to support any claims you intend to research. Feel free to experiment with your essay, and let your imagination take you wherever it may (within reason, of course). Employ a tried-and-true structure consisting of five paragraphs as the basis for your work; fill in the specifics subsequently.
Review & Edit
When you have completed the first draft of your essay, you can then distribute it to your classmates for their comments. Ask a close friend, a family member, or an experienced person if you require assistance. Make it a goal to collect as much useful feedback as possible, then turn that feedback into an asset for your business.
The Final Draft
Before handing in your final draft, give it one last thorough reading, this time paying extra attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Verify that the structure of an essay has been followed appropriately in what you have written.
Keep this in mind every time you need help figuring out how to properly write an essay, say, for a scholarship application. We strongly advise that you get assistance from knowledgeable individuals. You can rely on the knowledgeable assistance of our essay writers at any time if you have questions about how to format an essay for a scholarship.
Expert help is recommended if you have questions about the essay format. The professional essay writers at Essay Basics can produce an essay with various citation and formatting standards.