Academic Writing
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Academic Writing 2023
Have you ever yearned for good essays, high-quality research papers, and a thesis? Well, it is time you get your quality academic paper. Academic writing entails the presentation of a well-researched article based on different guidelines with formality as required by the college. The researchers usually elaborate the intellectual boundaries of the various disciplines and expertise in a formal tone, third person with clarity of research problem in question with a good choice of words. Therefore, it reveals the profound ideas and meaning for scholarly experts. When writing the essays, writers usually avoid inappropriate terminologies and their usage, too much use of vocabularies, personal pronouns, directives, wordiness, informal tone of the conversation, vague expressions, use of bullets and experiences among others. Therefore, in essay presentation, students give detailed accounts of ideas expressed in essay format to achieve high-quality grades. However, the majority lack the skills to write and present such quality work that surpasses the expectation of the tutors. Thus, academic writing finds its use when students who require such skills seek for assistance and guidance from online experts that do the work for a fee or train the students on the best ways to hand their assignments in any field of study according to the specified requirements in the given subject.
Main Features of Academic Writing
Academic essays or papers are unique. They bear specific features where the writer presents essential information in a well-structured manner and format.
Structure: A standard essay structure usually has five individual and quality paragraphs commencing with an introduction, three essay body paragraphs, and a conclusion. An excellent introduction has a hook and the primary purpose of the essay as its thesis statement, followed by body paragraphs that support the main ideas of the essay. The write up usually bear three body paragraphs followed by a conclusion that gives a summary of the whole concept, restates the points discussed to inform the reader about the significance of the topic presented as well as provides clarity on the thesis statement as well as the call for action. Furthermore, the concluding paragraph reveals the importance of the topic and as well as answering the so what question.
Tone: Good essays reveal the attitude of the writers through tones. Thus, students present their arguments fairly using a narrative tone. The arguments that object to the main idea show the clarity of position with unbiased language that elaborates the investigation of the problem from an official point of view in confidence. Besides, the authors usually maintain neutrality without confrontation and dismissal in the tone.
Language: Language in good academic writing is essential. The presentation of an essay in well-structured paragraphs through clear sentences helps the readers to follow through with enthusiasm with no difficulty. Good compositions usually have formal, concise, and expressive language that reveals the main ideas that the writer needs to present to the writer or audience. Official language enables the reader to understand the central argument of the writer and the point of view because the sentences are concise and clear. Besides, writers use an active voice that is impersonal and objective. The verbs are usually direct and follow the subject-verb-object structure with correct tenses that are easier to read.
Referencing: Writers usually rely on more information besides their experiences and personal ideas. Therefore, students get new ideas and other supports of their main points from sources such as journals, books, articles, websites, and videos among others. Thus, writers need to inform the readers the location or the source of information. The writers henceforth acknowledge and appreciate other authors of information and credit the originators of a new idea, theories, and findings that rich the current essays. The absence of such referencing results to plagiarism that makes the piece a stolen information which undermines its credibility. The referencing usually appears within the text and at the end of the academic essay is a bibliography. Furthermore, writers may use quotes and acknowledge the source using the preferred style specified in the instructions such as APA, MLA or Chicago among others.
Special audience: Writing academic paper targets an audience. Therefore, writers study and categorize the readers either as general or special. Keeping the audience in mind makes writers have right decisions on the relevant information and material to use as well as organizing the ideas in the best ways to support the argument. One of the unique audiences in academic writing is the instructor or tutor. The tutors usually read and grade the essays hence students want to keep their perspectives in the mind when writing a paper. Delivering article to a particular audience such as an instructor requires that a student give much detail as possible without any gap since the tutor will grade the essay according to the information and differences that are left. Therefore, a tutor might assume that a student does not know or understand the topic. Thus, writers think about audiences differently to improve on the essay especially on how to express the arguments stressing on the clarity.
How Academic Writing Structure Differs From Other Forms of Writing
Structure in academic papers is unique and differs in other forms of writing. Scholarly journals have formal structures with specific rules that writers follow to deliver high-quality results. On the other hand, other writings such as blog and online articles do not entail formal structures with three sections as well as references.
Structure Of Academic Writing
How to prepare for writing: Before, delivering scholarly essays, students need to choose the best topics of interest, brainstorm, and conduct a thorough research besides adequate preparation for the writing. Also, writers set aside valuable time to identify the more exquisite details in the instructions and clarify the purpose of the essay as well as identify the target audience. The prior research on the topic usually enables writers to deliver detailed paperwork with information that has the rich support of evidence from other studies.
How to make an outline: Writing an essay needs a guideline with a suitable structure that will enable the writer to relay information and facts to the reader. Therefore, writers use good outlines for guidance and categorization of ideas and points in logical sequence. An overview usually gives an introduction of the topic with background information of the primary purpose in the essay, a thesis statement that reveals the main idea, body paragraphs that provide evidences and justification of the ideas and a conclusion that summarizes the whole essay.
Introduction writing (Plus thesis statement): the introduction of an essay usually informs and engages the reader on what he or she anticipates in the subsequent paragraphs. A brief introduction has a hook that is clear and a lead sentence to the thesis statement. The writer should direct the reader to the importance of the topic and the position regarding the central point in a summarized thesis statement at the end of the introduction.
Tips on how to write an introduction: writers begin essays with hooks that engage readers. Therefore, the introduction usually informs the need to relate to the topic. Besides, it is comprehensive and focuses on the objectives that the writer discusses. When writing an introduction, students should keep the first sentence short, provide uniqueness in the introduction, give brief background information and present the thesis statement.
Writing a body paragraph: body paragraph gives an elaboration of an essay discussion and contains at least three paragraphs to justify the thesis statement. Each section usually discusses the points regarding the topic with examples and evidence for support. The body paragraphs are interconnected coherently using the transition to give a flow of information about the topic.
How to finish a paper: the conclusion of an essay gives a summary of the discussion of the body paragraphs with the position of the writer about the topic. The section reiterates the thesis statement and provides the reader with a lasting impression concerning the essay. The conclusion usually comes at the end of the composition to convincing the audience besides reminding the audience of the essence of the discussion.
How to present others’ ideas in a paper
Goods essays usually contain information beyond the writer’s ideas and expertise. Therefore, writers need to acknowledge the sources of information by citing the authors of such ideas that he or she uses to support the different points. Writers give credit to the original authors of information prevents plagiarism cases that would otherwise undermine the paper beside uniquely identifying the article.
American Psychological Association (APA): the APA system of referencing focuses on the author-date with emphasis on the capitalization of the first letter of the first words including the subtitle and first letters of the proper nouns. Besides, the system requires that the title of the book and subtitles are italicized. Also, the in-text citation without quotes or when a parenthesis proceeds the writer use paraphrasing with authors surname followed by the year of publication within the bracket before period. However, if a direct quotation is within the sentence, the writer needs to specify the page location of the direct quote in the in-text citation.
The Modern Language Association (MLA): MLA is another writing style whereby the writers indicate the surname and the page number of the source of information for in-text citation. At work cited page, the student should write the author’s name, the title of the book or article, page number, the publisher, publication date and the location before the year of publication. Punctuation marks to separate the elements with the title of the article italicized.
Paper types where the academic writing is utilized
Academic writing includes variety of papers and subjects that include:
- research papers,
- term papers,
- book reports,
- general essays,
- dissertations,
- review of articles and journals.
Academic writing needs skills with continuous practice to perfect such skills. However, students in their educational endeavors fail to possess such skills. Therefore, most of the students seek assistance from online writing services where they get experts to help with sharpens such skills.