How to write an Evaluation Essay
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Essay writing is a vast subject, spreading its branches over various writing forms. An Evaluation or Evaluative Essay is one of its many forms.
Whenever you are tasked with writing any essay, it is always a good idea to study the specifics of the required essay form if this is the first time you are writing such an essay.
Lucky for you, we at Essay Basics have compiled a detailed study to understand the basics of an Evaluation Essay, how to write it, the format, dos and don’ts, and much more.
An evaluation essay is a form of Essay writing basics in which the author expresses an opinion on the discussed subject. It’s written work meant to assess some topic’s merits comprehensively. Moreover, it offers a thorough assessment and critical evaluation of the subject matter.
Even though the author’s opinion is included in this essay, it should be written with such a balance that it should not sound opinionated. Instead, it should offer supporting evidence for the author’s claims in the essay.
Evaluative essays can be titled in a variety of ways, including “assess,” “rate,” “judge,” and “weigh up,” but their overarching goal is the same: to provide a thorough and, most importantly, objective evaluation of the source material under consideration.
While writing an evaluation essay, your work must be objective throughout, but you must also present a conclusion or evaluation argument upon completion. Your goal should be to present all of your evidence to demonstrate that you have evaluated the topic objectively. An evaluation essay should include the topic’s advantages and disadvantages and an analysis of the piece from multiple potentially contradictory points of view. It should be upbeat while remaining critically analytical, giving each side of the argument equal consideration.
-A good evaluation essay requires the writer to be skilled at critical evaluation and to present the evaluation objectively.
Structure for writing an Evaluation Essay
Before beginning, you should decide on the following four structures upon to base your essay;
This sequential arrangement can be applied to assessing past or present events. A mechanism, procedure, or process’s efficacy can be explained and evaluated neatly by using this structure.
The spatial organization structure is employed to critique or describe visual or built works. Step by step, you’ll define each artifact component as you progress in your essay.
Compare & Contrast
A comparison and contrast framework is useful when reviewing a musical or culinary style. As such, the author assesses the topic at hand by comparing and contrasting it with an already established one.
Reviews of food and music are often written in the same point-by-point format. Following this format, you’ll first describe one component before rating it, then do the same for the next component before rating it, and so on.
Outline for Evaluation Essay
Once you have decided on the structure to write your essay, it’s time to work on the outline of your essay. While the structure decides the order for your essay, an outline will help you enlist the topics, statements, facts, citations, and other important details to be included.
The general outline for Evaluation Essays consists of three components that have further subcomponents of their own. These three main components are namely; Introduction, Body Content & Conclusion, defined with detailed below for a much better understanding;
- Intro to the Topic– Make sure to introduce the topic in a full paragraph. Giving a broad overview of the topic, discussing its impact on people, and arguing that it’s important to assess are all good places to start. The criteria you intend to use to prove your thesis should also be specified.
- Thesis Statement-. Create a thesis statement containing your overall assessment and the arguments supporting that assessment.
Body Content
Reason 1
- Give an example of a topic sentence and your assessment of the first criterion. Use transitional words to help readers follow your thought process as you move from thesis to first reason.
- In favor of the first stated reason, include credible evidence, such as quotes, examples, expert testimony, statistics, comparisons, etc.
- Take into account and refute any concerns raised. Writing an effective argument requires the author to anticipate and respond to potential counterarguments.
Reason 2
- Give an example of a topic sentence and your assessment of the first criterion. Use transitional words to help readers follow your thought process as you move from thesis to first reason.
- In favor of the first stated reason, include credible evidence, such as quotes, examples, expert testimony, statistics, comparisons, etc.
- Take into account and refute any concerns raised. Writing an effective argument requires the author to anticipate and respond to potential counterarguments.
Reason 3
- Give an example of a topic sentence and your assessment of the first criterion. Use transitional words to help readers follow your thought process as you move from thesis to first reason.
- In favor of the first stated reason, include credible evidence, such as quotes, examples, expert testimony, statistics, comparisons, etc.
- Take into account and refute any concerns raised. Writing an effective argument requires the author to anticipate and respond to potential counterarguments.
Your closing statement should be an emotional and powerful send-off to your readers. To convince them, draw attention to your perspective, or establish yourself as an authority figure, you need excellent communication skills. Your evaluation essay’s final paragraph should be a summing-up, satisfying conclusion. It should provide enough information for the reader to draw their own conclusions or inspire them to continue their research.
Steps for writing an Evaluation Essay
To assist you in creating a well-written essay, we have provided a brief outline of some of the most important steps.
Choosing a Topic
Choosing a suitable topic is always the first step in writing any essay. If your instructor does not provide you with a topic, you should select a topic you already know about. If this is not the case, your professor may provide you with a topic to write on. Because you will have to look at the topic in great detail to form an opinion on its worth, it is in your best interest to pick something that you already have some background information on.
Creating a Thesis Statement
This is an important part of your essay because it explains the overarching point of the evaluation. The criteria utilized to evaluate the topic should be stated in the thesis statement, along with an evaluation of the topic’s value. Your thesis statement, just like the rest of your essay, needs to be clear and concise. As your essay takes shape, you may need to make some little adjustments as you go along.
Determining the Criteria of Assessment
Pick various assessment standards to use in your writing to make reading fascinating. The criteria that you settle on will be different depending on what it is that you are assessing. For instance, a software application would be evaluated based on completely different standards than a clothing brand would be evaluated on.
Supporting Arguments
It is essential to remember that an evaluation essay is not only an expression of your personal opinion. For every judgment you make, you must search for supporting clues from reliable sources to succeed.
Prepare a Draft
Create a first draft of your essay cheap and review it. At this point, writing is the most productive line of action that can be taken. When anything is written down, it is much simpler to rearrange and strengthen places that aren’t as robust as others in the plan.
Examine, Improve, and Repeat
After you have finished the initial draft of your work, you must go back through it, look for any errors, and correct them. If you want your essay to be perfect, be prepared to revise it a few times before turning it in.
Cores of an Evaluation Essay
The three components that make up the heart of an evaluation essay—criteria, judgments, and evidence—set it apart from other types of essays. Your review will be accurate and authentic if it has all three of these components, regardless of whether you are writing an evaluation essay or evaluating any topic of interest. These components make up the entirety of your evaluation.
When analyzing a product, service, or brand, the criteria you set should help you determine the perfect example of that particular category. It will contribute to demonstrating what should be expected as an ideal example. Consider an ideal illustration of a product or service of the same kind that you can think of. Which of their qualities do you consider to be the most admirable? For instance, when you stay at a hotel, you anticipate receiving wonderful accommodations, a spotless environment, good value for your money, and outstanding service. After establishing these benchmarks, you can utilize them to evaluate any hotel.
During the judgment phase, you will determine whether or not the benchmarks have been attained by looking at the evidence. To continue with our hotel example, you can determine whether or not the hotel satisfies the standard of providing wonderful accommodations. Does it live up to or even exceed your standards for its quality? Or does it fall short of expectations? After that, you are free to go on to the remaining criteria.
Keep in mind that you are required to offer evidence to support the judgments you make. In the case of our hotel, if you believe that the quality of the cuisine does not live up to your standards, you should be ready to present proof to back up the reasoning behind this determination.
It is advisable to address a distinct criterion in each paragraph of your essay. This is done when the essay is structured. You should comprehensively explain the criterion, make pertinent judgments, and present supporting evidence.
Difference between an Evaluation Essay and a Review
Students frequently assume that writing an evaluation is the same as writing a review when working on the assignment that was just described. This is one of the most typical misunderstandings that students make. Several differences set them apart, even if there are some parallels between the two kinds of paper. A few significant distinctions are highlighted in the table that follows.
Evaluation Essay | Reviews | |
Analysis | In an evaluation essay, the subject matter is detailed and investigated to provide a more in-depth view. | Reviews typically present a more surface-level understanding of the subject matter rather than delving too deeply into it. |
Opinion | Even though an evaluation essay will invariably contain some expression of the author’s viewpoint, that viewpoint ought to be kept hidden, and every assertion ought to be backed up by evidence. | There is no requirement for evidence when writing a review; all that is required is the author’s opinion. |
Criteria | When writing an evaluation essay, the author must evaluate the subject according to a predetermined set of standards. | A review doesn’t need to adhere to any particular standards; the author may provide their perspective on any subject matter. |
Evidence | An evaluation essay, as was said previously, needs to include evidence to back up the evaluations. | Because it is the author’s opinion, a review needs no supporting evidence to be considered valid. |
References | When writing an evaluation essay, it is often important to mention or reference materials used in the evaluation process. | It is common to stipulate that a review includes references. |
This provides an overview of all the essential information you need to know to write a flawless and detailed evaluation essay. However, that is not all; we have some additional useful recommendations to make your essay stand out.
Useful Tips
An excellent evaluation essay is one that people look forward to reading. The following are some extra pointers that will assist you in writing one:
- Give Sufficient Information – Explain in great detail how you arrived at the conclusions you reached. Give as much information as you can. You should explain your ideas when necessary by pointing to supporting proofs and pertinent examples.
- Be Sure That What You Are Analyzing Is Precise – An excellent introduction should lay out what you will be evaluating. The criteria you are using to ensure that the evaluation is accurate.
- Assist Your Readers in Accepting Your Opinion – If your evaluation is objective, then your conclusions and evaluations should be accepted by your readers if they are to agree with you. Provide them with adequate information and facts to make it simpler for them.
Expressions That Are Crucial in Evaluative Essays
- The author makes an effort to demonstrate that…
- …puts forward the opinion that… in a sense that…
- …with the intent to criticize…
- …and after doing so, the author will then…
- …provides outstanding examples of…
- In the end, from the author’s perspective…
- It would appear to be stating that…
- One may make the case that…
- What is not taken into account is…
- In a broad sense, I share this viewpoint; however, I must point out that…
- According to the findings and analysis, it would appear that…
Conclude your Evaluation Essay in the best way possible
- Put a capstone on your evaluation essay by connecting the concluding paragraph to the thesis statement you presented in the introduction. This can be accomplished by restating the primary idea introduced at the beginning of the piece using other words.
- Conclude with a phrase that mostly consists of words that only have one syllable. The effect of understated drama can be better communicated through simple language.
You can choose to, among the following options, bring a conclusion to a discussion while providing the opportunity for additional thought:
- Finish with a quotation or a reference from a source that was used afterward. This should either reiterate what you said in your core argument or add a new perspective.
- Finish by offering a fresh interpretation of one of the most important concepts you’ve included in your argument.
- Finish up by thinking about what the consequences of your analysis are. What are you trying to infer exactly with the argument you’ve presented?
What not to do while writing an Evaluation Essay
- You should not limit yourself to summarizing or paraphrasing your essay. Yes, it is beneficial to briefly summarize your point, particularly if your essay is longer than ten pages. This is especially true if your essay is a research paper. On the other hand, restating your primary points is often not required for essays less than a page long.
- Avoid using terms such as “in conclusion,” “in summing up,” “in summary,” etc. in your writing. These phrases are helpful when making oral presentations, but when reading an essay, a reader can typically discern when an essay is about to conclude; therefore, there is no need to declare the obvious. These phrases are beneficial when providing oral presentations.
- Resist the desire to apologize for being aware of the things you are aware of. If you have done any kind of research at all, you will know much more about a subject than it is even remotely possible for you to include in an essay five or ten pages long. As a consequence, as you near the end of your essay, you can experience some misgivings regarding the content you have prepared. On the other hand, if you haven’t spent a significant amount of time researching your subject, you can have some doubts about your ability to bring your paper to a satisfactory conclusion. Make an effort to resist the impulse to give in to your uncertainties. They are unlikely to accomplish much but to divert and aggravate the reader, making them a poor choice overall. Avoid using phrases such as “this is merely one approach” or “there may be better ways,” as well as similar expressions.