How To Write A Nursing School Essay

What is the purpose of a nursing school essay?

To understand the purpose is to find the meaning. Few or none of us have the knowledge that to be selected for a nursing school, one needs to write an essay. A nursing school essay is therefore a thesis paper that is written by applicants who want to join a particular nursing school. Students are then selected based on how well their essays are.

The purpose of this essay is to:

A selection criterion – The nursing school application essay written is used as a criterion to knock out applicants that are not qualified to join the nursing school.

To identify the person and character of the applicants – This essay requires applicants to write a personal nursing statement in which they state what they are good at, why they want to join the nursing school, and why the school board should consider the application.

Nursing school essay structure

The nursing school essay structure outlines the guidelines of how to go about writing a nursing school essay. A nursing school essay can be written in many formats but there are three key components that are:

  • the introduction,
  • the body
  • and the conclusion.

For nursing school essay writing to be easy, you should follow these guidelines.

Structure elements writing

Outline writing


  • What they do – is help deliver babies, and check on newborn babies to ensure they are healthy.
  • Why? – lost sister during childbirth. Want to ensure no one else suffers the same loss, encourage those affected.
  • Vision – To be the best delivery nurse I can be. Ensure the safety of all mothers.
  • Previous preparation – I have done an internship in a delivery hospital.
  • Achievement – helped deliver a baby for a mother stranded in traffic.
  • Experience – 1-year volunteer for Red Cross.
  • Academic interests – studied for a certificate in general nursing.
  • Character – patient and empathetic.
  • Reasons for the institution – the best in the country. I was delivered there.

Having made a nursing school essay outline like the one above, it is now easier to start writing.

Tips concerning introduction writing:

  • The nursing school essay introduction is the most important part. Plan out what you are going to say, how you are going to say it, and what you want to stand out in your essay. This will allow flow and consistency while writing the essay.
  • In the introduction to nursing school essay, one should ensure they use their personal statement. The statement should be creative and unique.
  • Do not forget to state and explain how you became interested in joining the nursing profession. A short story would be preferable as it sounds real.
  • You should not leave out illustrations of what you have been doing in preparation to join the nursing course. It should be an indication of commitment.

Tips on thesis writing:

  • When writing a thesis, ensure that the statement identified is solvable or at least manageable.
  • The thesis is generally abstract and explains to the reader what you are trying to say in your nursing school application essay.

Tips on body paragraphs:

  • Plan beforehand what you want to say. This will ensure that your essay is well subdivided and has the required flow. Ensure that the nursing school essay hooks the reader.
  • When writing a nursing school essay, avoid too many paragraphs. One should ensure that each paragraph carries a specific detail. It should be independent and straight to the point. For example, one paragraph could be about your qualifications, the next about your dreams, and another about why you choose to be a nurse.
  • The transitions used for example, then, however, and therefore should rhyme with the paragraphs. They should allow the flow from one paragraph to the next and should not be too repetitive.

Tips on conclusion writing:

  • Like any other application, your qualifications make you stand out.
  • For a good conclusion, ensure that you highlight some of your qualifications both work and academic. This information is later used as a test board when the review is done.
  • This is the chance to explain your qualifications in detail and to dig deeper into your achievements, volunteering and lessons learned during the course of your training.

Finalizing the essay:

  • The conclusion for the nursing school essay can either make or break the whole thesis.
  • In order to have the best conclusion, you should ensure that you write why you chose that particular nursing school.
  • You should explain the reasons why you want it. The reasons should be clear as the board of management should see that you chose them for a reason and not just because it was another nursing school.

Essay revision

A nursing school essay needs to be fully prepared beforehand. This entails collecting the relevant information that paints a clear picture of who you are.

When revising a nursing school application essay it is important to find out the best topic for your essay.

Besides this, its revision is important as it will ensure you know what aspects of your life you are going to write about and this gives time for you to sieve the important details.

Essay proofreading

The purpose of proofreading is solely to check for errors. Proofreading allows you to change particular points of the essay to ensure they are correct and accurate. Basically, it is dotting the Is and crossing all the Ts. Ensure that the essay is written in the specified style. In case you are stuck, there are sites and people who offer nursing school essay editing service and help.

Possible questions during essay presentation

The following is a sample of nursing school essay questions that one can ask themselves before writing.

Why should you plan?

Planning is important for consistency in nursing school essay writing. Planning ensures that you do not leave any important detail out. After planning, the outline for the nursing school essay will be then used as a guide while writing.

Where do you write your qualifications?

Your qualifications should come at the end. This is where you state your qualifications in detail and how they are relevant to your nursing career.

Why choose to nurse?

This should be the easiest question. In order to sound appealing, an anecdote of what led you to it should be the red light. Your story should show your interest and love for nursing. It should show your passion and not just a fallback plan or any other job.

Why did you choose us?

This is a very delicate question as it shows how well you researched the institution. It shows how important the institution is to you and how serious you are about pursuing your nursing degree. Any information you write about the institution should be true and well-researched. You should ensure that your “nursing school essay conclusion” leaves a mark.

Nursing Essay Sample

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