Role Of Media In Democracy (Essay Sample)

Role of Media in Democracy

Media is the common communication channels or apparatus that are used to store or supply information or data. It is either related with communication media or specialized mass publishing communication operations such as the print publisher, advertising, broadcasting (radio and television), cinema, photography, and the press. Democracy in present day usage, is a setup of government in which the taxpayers practice power directly or choose a democrat from among themselves to design a control body, such as the parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as “rule of the majority”. A media democracy is one which uses information technology to both liberate citizens and promote democratic ideology through the distribution of information. This essay seeks to describe media and its roles in democracy.

Media is defined as one of the methods of widespread communication in the society, as radio, television, and newspapers etc. the evolution of human communication though developed channels i.e. not gestures or vocalization dates back to prehistoric writings, drawn maps, and cave paintings. The Persian Empire which is known today as Iran played an important role in subject of communication. It has the initial postal system which is indicated that the Persian emperor Cyrus the Great developed it after his defeat of Media. The word communication is also derived from Latin meaning communicare and this was after the Roman Empire devised what might be labeled as a mail in order to focus control of the power from Rome. The mail permitted for personal letters and for Rome to collect knowledge about the happenings in its broad provinces.

Since the 17th century, the role of media in democracy has been acknowledged. Currently, despite the media’s likelihood for corruption, superficiality, and sensationalism, the idea of media as a watchdog of public interest and as a channel between the leaders and the governed stays deeply established. In many infant democracies, the media have been able to maintain their role in strengthening and intensive democracy. Scrutiny reports which in some ways have led to the stepping down of presidents and the fall of corrupt regimes has made the media an effective guardian among the public. Scrutiny reporting has also enabled the accustom executives to a curios press and help create a culture of truth and exposure that has made democratically elected regimes more accountable.

Democracy needs the live participation of citizens. Preferably, the media should keep citizens attached to the business of the government by educating, informing, and mobilizing the mass. In numerous new democracies, radio has become the instrument of choice, as it is less costly and more available. The community radio and FM have been helpful tools for advocating grassroots democracy by expressing local issues, providing another source of information to authority channels and displaying ethnic and linguistic array. The internet as well can engage in such as role due to its interactivity, fairly low costs of logging, and sovereignty from state control.  The media can also build peace and social accord. The media can distribute fighting groups with methods for mediation, illustration and opinion so one can settle differences peacefully.

In conclusion, the media has played important roles in the democracy. Media as channel of communication, it helped to guard the public’s interests. This is through exposing corrupt regimes and executives who have misused public resources. The media is also an effective tool for resolving conflicts through giving opinions and ways for mediation. The media is also helpful in advocating for popular issues arising from the community.

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