How To Write An Essay On Police Brutality

How To Write An Essay On Police Brutality

A good essay needs to be well structured, it should have three main parts, starting with:

  1. the introduction,
  2. the body,
  3. and conclusion.

Topic actuality

When introducing the essay topic, the most important consideration is to attract the reader’s attention. The first part of the essay is the introduction. The introduction describes the topic of discussion  in summary using a  thesis statement. The thesis statement talks about  what the author intends to discuss. When introducing the topic, the author needs to mention how relevant is the topic and where the essay information can be used. In this case, the topic of discussion being on police brutality, the following example can be a good opening statement.

Introduction example

Police officers act as citizens protectors, police officers ensure everyone is safe by maintaining law and order. However, for the past years, many people have questioned the use of excessive force and other forms of misconducts among police officers. Even though most of them still maintain law and order, the biggest issue is the high rates of police brutality witnessed in America today.

How to write a body paragraphs

The body paragraph of an essay can be divided into three main paragraphs depending on how extensive the author wants to describe the problem.  The essay body needs to describe every detail concerning the topic of discussion.  The body also contains evidence supporting the thesis statement. In every body paragraph the first sentence should start with a topic on what the paragraph is to describe.

Body paragraph 1

The first body paragraph  should describe  police brutality, what can be considered as excessive force and laws against brutal actions. When describing police brutality, a brief definition should form the part of the first paragraph.

For example:

Police brutality can be described as the process of using physical force during arrests. Other forms of brutality can be in the form of racial profiling, police repression, false arrests and surveillance abuse.  Excessive force describes situations where police officers exceed their limits when diffusing violent incidences. Excessive force is common during military operations or when handling suspected criminals.

When mentioning laws against police brutality the author can refer to the fourth amendments and eighth amendments. The fourth amendment talks about personal privacy and individual freedom versus government intrusion, especially when police arrests or searches one home and business without evidence. The eighth amendment applies to police brutality because of talks about human right violation among suspects during detention or arrest.

Body paragraph 2

In the second body paragraph, the author needs to describe what are the main causes for police brutality. In this paragraph the author can present study findings.

For example, he can state that:

Most police reform policies have little input from those who are expected to implement them. Factors like internal discipline need to be highlighted using statistics. For example, more than  51 percent of police officers are yet to face any disciplinary actions,  especially in where police brutality cases have been reported, like in New York, Fergusson, and Missouri where several killings of unarmed  teenagers have been reported.

Body Paragraph 3

In the third paragraph of the essay, the author needs to present facts, stating examples of police brutality from other states and cities with similar concerns.

For example, the author can state excessive force by the Cleveland police department to show how the culture of brutality is deeply embedded in the police force.


The final paragraph is the conclusion that summarizes the important points. A conclusion should restate the thesis statement to show the audience significance to the topic.  When concluding the essay on police brutality, the author should state how police brutality is a public issue affecting innocent individuals.  There is the need for corrective measures to be taken to portray a good picture of the police force.

Tips on final revision

After completing the first part of the essay, the author should take his mind off and relax before re-reading the paper again. The author needs to ensure that the essay arguments are logically arranged with supportive evidence. The paragraphs should be arranged in a clear sequence to enable readers to understand the main points without feeling lost.

When reviewing the essay, the author needs to look out for grammar mistakes. The author needs to review the sentence structure to ensure that the essay will make sense to the target audience.   When reviewing the research paper, the author should look out for any missing words or incomplete sentences and make adjustments before submitting the final paper. Before submitting the final paper, the author needs to ensure that the essay is structured according to the standards guidelines. After the concluding paragraph, a list of literature used in the essay need to be included for reference purposes. When quoting facts, the literature source should be cited, and all the reference literate needs to be arranged in an alphabetical order depending on the writing style one chooses to use.

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