Good Manners Are Not Needed In The Present World (Essay Sample)

Good manners are not needed in the present world

In our childhood as we were growing up, both religious leaders and our parents or guardians encouraged us to have good manners. Good manners can be described as being polite and respectful towards others. Good manners teach us to be polite and have good social behaviors towards people living around us. In the modern world, people argue that good manners don’t make one achieve his/her goals and therefore not necessary while others still maintain that it is important.

Good manners enhance our ethics whether in the modern or old society. Ethics controls our moral behaviors in our communities. Morals make us know when and who to say something to, for example, the kind of discussion a child is having a fellow child should be entirely different from the discussion with an adult. Politeness makes the entire human race acknowledge the good others are doing to them; it makes children have respect to how their parents are toiling and sacrificing for them. Also, good manners teach how to show considerations to others.

Good manners promote international and family relations. The sure way of knowing a well-behaved family is through the behavior of their child. Every person wants to relate to the best-behaved family in the community, families where people are not well behaved will always suffer discrimination. This discrimination kills the spirit of good relations in our communities. Internationally, different countries will want to deal and do business with corruption free countries. The level of corruption in a country may tell how well behaved people in authority of a particular country are.

Good behavior makes an individual have an advantage in a job interview. No organization wants to deal with rebellious people; an interviewer will tell interviewees’ manners in how they answer questions. Jobs like Marketing portrays what a company is about, and no company will risk losing their good image because of one or two misbehaving employees.

In the modern world, good manners are used as a tool for dishonesty. People behave politely to achieve what they want, from the little things in the family to jobs. After getting what they want, they go back to their bad behaviors. With dishonesty in the current world, good manners serve no purpose and make no sense.

In the world today people are behaving like animals, they behave selfishly. Every individual wants their thing done according to their pace, from offices to roads. Persons working in public offices are not ready to attend to the clients they are supposed to serve. It takes a loss of respect and politeness for you to get services in some public offices. In the roads, no one cares whether you are late or not, other motorists will always want to block your way. With such a selfish society bad manners are occasionally essential.

The streets are full of ill-mannered people. To survive in the streets, one must sometimes lose a sense of politeness. Some individuals may also see good mannered people in the streets as victims of circumstances. Once seen as a victim, people along the streets will play all sorts of bad games on you, including robbing you of your belongings.

The modern world is very rough, but good manners are values which should not be underrated.  Despite the rogue people we have around we must know those good behaviors will always influence people positively. The impact will create a new thinking in people, and people will appreciate good manners on a daily basis.

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