The Person I Admire Is My Mother (Essay Sample)

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Our mother is the primary health care provider that played a major role in our lives. As a mother, they dedicated their lives to provide compassion and relevance with their sacrifices to ensure that our needs are always met. Mothers are the primary protectors of every child within the basic unit of the society. The child like us when we were little is always secured by being wrapped by our mother’s arms while growing up into school children. Whenever we need something, we always ask for the permission of our mother before resuming to proceed with our actions in the long run. Mothers always complete our growth and development, especially if our father supports our mother’s caring techniques in order to grow up responsibly and productive.

Why I admire my mother, this is because when the patriarch of our household went with another family, we still stood intact until I grew up to become a responsible person. I understand that the essence of marriage is not always that compelling to all households for the reason that we have different situations that may lead to challenges in our life struggles. However, our mother still managed to pursue her responsibility to provide us with something to ensure that we are going to grow up as a responsible person. Our mother always taught us how to become a responsible person to prevent any similar circumstances that can happen to us in the future. Even though our father committed something that is depressing, forgiveness and moving on is the right thing for us to concentrate on our future plans in the future such as becoming a successful professional.

The person I admire is my mother because she also became as our father, who stood beside us when we were confronted by violent hazards. Whenever there were threats against us, our mother transformed herself into a superwoman, who bravely defended us against negative elements of the society. As a mother, it is normal for her to always check us whenever we are at school. She became concerned whenever we go home at least one hour late from school. When we go and hang out with our friends, our mother always check the background of our friends to make sure that we are not influenced by juvenile delinquents. This is a normal thing for a mother to ensure that we are always safe wherever we go, whatever we do, and whoever we are with.

There are some households who are not lucky enough to experience a loving mother such as what I experience. This is because some families encountered a variety of inevitable factors such as accidents or life-threatening diseases. In my case, I am still lucky enough to have a parent because I am able to withstand any negative threats that have been responsible for strengthening my pride and determination to become successful in life. I did not manage to regret what my life has been throughout my childhood because I realized that sacrifice is an important structure that enables my dignity to strengthen as well as to show that I can also become a role model by always moving on and trying to concentrate to have a new life. This is my story and would like to share it with the rest of my society how I really love my mother.


  • Umbreit, Mark & Armour, Marilyn (2011). “Restorative Justice and Dialogue: Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Global Community”. Washington University Journal of Law and Policy.
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