Objectivity And Subjectivity In History (Essay Sample)

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This essay seeks to discuss the significance of objective and subjective issues applied in history. It seeks to find out relevant sources of information applicable to the structure of history’s presentation of objective and subjective attraction. In history, there are different varieties of presenting information due to the nature of both subjective and objective knowledge and ideas. The thought of expressing the value of knowledge in terms of history, there are relevant learning insights that can be acquired in this particular realm. In addition, this paper will be detailing several beneficial influences of history through studies, laboratory testing, and examining past archeological sites.

The objectivity in history is regarded as the investigative practice in taking relevant information about the past. This involves the application of comprehensive assessment regarding the issues that have had happened in the past. History taking is applied through the process of physically studying the facts that were left behind by our past civilizations. Historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and geologists, and biologists are the most important personalities responsible for conducting studies to discover past civilizations. This is through visiting ancient sites where there are remaining structures that reveals our past history. Recovered specimens are studied in the laboratory to reveal all information that will tell the story of the past and then display in various selected museums around the world.  The most interesting part of objectivity in history is having a never-ending research to various historical sites. This is because learning is a continuous process because there are numerous sites that are needed to be explored in various parts of the world that have not yet revealed their true identities.

Subjectivity in history is based on what the present society consider about the past civilizations. This has been influenced by the stories of their respective families from the past generations. Pertaining to the application of subjectivity in history, this is perceived by the general population regarding their thoughts and ideas regarding our past societies. There is a significant difference with the association between objectivity and subjectivity. This is because the researchers who already observed and concluded the existence of ancient societies have managed to write books and integrate it with the academic studies with regard to the application of researched issues in history. This means that the society has been learning from the past historical artifacts retrieved by professional researchers who are fascinated with the existence of ancient civilizations that have been responsible for writing our present societies.

It has been learned that subjectivity and objectivity in history are related to each other. The reason behind is that the objectivities are the historians and scientific researchers who are responsible for exploring ancient structures that reveal past historical stories that happened from the past. After confirming the existence of ancient societies through a comprehensive research and testing, they coordinate with local government units and academic institutions to inform the public regarding the past ancient sites that existed from the past. The relationship of rendering relevant information is constant between the subjectivity and objectivity that are represented by the historians and the general public. The reason behind is that this particular research enables the society to become aware what societies ruled their present land before they were born in this world (Cronon, 2013).


  • Cronon, William (2013):. “Storytelling.” American Historical Review.11-19. New York: Prentice Hall. online, Discussion of the impact of the end of the Cold War upon scholarly research funding, the impact of the Internet and Wikipedia on history study and teaching, and the importance of storytelling in history writing and teaching.
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