Difference Between Early Man And Modern Man (Essay Sample)

Our ape like forefathers were not similar to prevailing chimpanzee, orangutan, and gorilla. They existed in large groups and were fertile; polygamy was in rage, and at the chase period love males fought love contests. They primarily colonized the ground but climbed the tree to seek fruits and also constructed platforms of twig and leaves on which the females were enclosed and which were sometimes uses as resting places. These animals moved on all fours arising to the standing stance occasionally. Modern man advanced from their most probable familiar ancestor Homo erectus and these beings move on twos, construct and live in house. This essay seeks to describe the early man and the modern man and also differences between the two.

Early man was slow when moving; their body was nearly naked so scantily covered with hair. The males had but imperfectly grown tusks. The ears were shallow from disuse and had no longer the capacity of being lifted. The tail like in all considerable apes had vanished underneath the skin. This powerless structure triggered from the good conditions under which throughout many ages these animals had existed. Early man occupied a friendly tropical land; had few rivals, and plentiful food. Disuse had weakened the strength of their body but nothing is forever lost in nature. All sociable animals have a language by manner of which they interact with each other. Early man used vocal sounds and also gestures of the hands to interact with one another, consequently the nature of this language was already an intricate one.

Modern man is fast when moving as one move on two legs. The body is completely naked with little or no hair. The modern man uses complex languages to interact with one another. One built shelters from wood poles and the structure of the shelter was enclosed with animal hides. Family members were enclosed in these shelters as they provided protection from wild animals and other threats. Earlier, modern man clothed in animal hides especially in cooler regions to keep warm from cold but today modern man clothe in sewn clothes. Early modern man especially Homo sapiens hunted and gathered wild foods and even domesticated wild animals and plants although wild foods remained part of one’s diet.

The main difference between early man and modern man is that early man refers to the prehistoric hominids who are the forefathers of the current figure of human race and modern man is a subspecies of Homo sapiens. Modern man is more advanced in communication than early man. Modern man uses complex languages to speak than early man who used voices and gestures to speak. Modern man moves fast on two limbs whereas early man moves slowly in four limbs. Modern man hunted, gathered, and domesticated animals for milk and meat whereas early man only hunted and gathered wild foods such as fruits for sustainability. Early man emerged from apelike forefathers whereas modern man emerged from Denisovan and Neanderthal. The surroundings limited the awareness of early man whereas technology has broadened the awareness of modern man. Early man was a wanderer whereas modern man settles in a permanent home.

In conclusion, early man was not similar to prevailing chimpanzee, orangutan, and gorilla. While early moved slowly on all fours he lived in large groups and primarily colonized the ground. Modern man advanced from their most probable familiar ancestor Homo erectus and these beings move on twos, construct and live in houses. The main difference between the early man and the modern man is that the early refers to the prehistoric hominids who are the forefathers of the current figure of human race modern man is a subspecies of Homo sapiens. Another main difference is advancement where modern man is more advanced than early man because of technology.

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