Advantages Of Computer Files (Essay Sample)

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In the era of industrialization, we are thankful for having a facility that is always available to store information. The use of a virtual system is very reliable because users can have the chance to save and secure their files after creating the file. In this regard, the method of saving computer files is commonly applied by users inside their laptops to ensure that all information is stored in a secure file system. As compared from the past years, storing and security files take more time because it is manually manipulated and processed by our forefathers. The changes of file storage systems are rapidly changing the way that we process information and files are dependent on the existence and progress of technological enhancements.

The advantage of computer files is to allow any clips to be easily accessible by the user because it is facilitated in an automated way to ensure that any file can be used anytime. Computer files are designed to have programs that are designed to store, manage, process, and save data in a certain space of the memory. This means that you can store computer files in a certain server by saving it using a secured network after creating a document or a clip. Saving computer files helps promote the computer to organize each document using an algorithm to prevent any confusion between the user and the document. In this case, there is a secured server that is created a specific location to the file so that users can always access the file whenever they need it for the purpose of sending it or amending it using the computer system.

Another advantage of a computer file is to allow users to save various files from a server to another set of servers. Time is important, especially in the business sector because the more activity or task that should be accomplished will be beneficial for the productivity of the business enterprises. The effort of keeping computer files is already automated, ensuring the ability of the user to prevent experiencing stressful activities. A computer file is cheaper than the traditional registry systems that are manually manipulated and processed by the former institutions. The reason behind is that it does not need additional manpower to process and consolidate data, which requires another wage for the members to be paid by the institution. Computer files are self-regulated using a programmed system, which costs cheaper as well as can be used multiple times by the user or the employee of the institution.

The most important advantage of computer files is the security. There is a programmed security feature of computer files that allow every document to be kept in a secluded network server. Users will have the chance to secure all confidential information that cannot be easily penetrated by third parties. As a result, the risk of exploitation of confidential information can be prevented on a regular basis because the file is always secured by the network administrator of the computer. Computer files are less tangible than the traditional files that were kept by the traditional file keepers because it is used in a virtual space. The file will only be transformed into a tangible object if it will be used as a formal document for companies to communicate with other individuals or parties of interest (Mohan, 2013).


  • Mohan, I. Chandra (2013). Operating Systems. Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. p. 166. ISBN 9788120347267
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